Master of Arts in Mathematics, Teaching Option

The Master of Arts in Mathematics, 教学选择是为那些准备成为社区大学教师的人设计的, 并为当前的高中教师有意加深他们的数学知识. 该计划提供了几个数学领域的高级研究, including algebra, analysis, geometry, and discrete mathematics. 文学硕士课程可以用来为数学教育博士课程做准备.


Application Procedure

学生可以在春季、夏季或秋季学期开始这个课程. 寻求进入该计划的学生必须拥有经认可的学院或大学的数学或相关领域的学士学位,总GPA至少为2.5 and a GPA of 3.所有高年级数学课程成绩为0分或以上, 或经数学系研究生委员会批准的先前课程和工作经验的结合. 经济援助,包括助教和州外学费减免,是可用的.

Students can apply onlineOpens in new window 并将正式成绩单发送到CSUF的招生和记录部门. 不需要GRE成绩和推荐信. International students should visit this International Admissions OfficeOpens in new window for additional information and requirements.



We offer interested masters students, depending on availability, 兼职教师职位,教授一门或多门小学数学课程.  助教职位的申请将于3月开始接受,教授下一个秋季学期.  Please view our TA Job Description and Application Procedure for more details.


Terms of TA Tuition Waivers:

(1) Awardees receive an in-state, 两门课程或六个单元的非全日制学费减免, whichever is higher.

- Non-resident tuition fees are not waived.

- Additional campus-based fees are not waived.

- Graduate business professional fees are not waived.

(2)在特定的2年时间内,将获得助教学费减免.e. Fall 2024 through Spring 2026). 如果学生请假,他们的弃权将继续有效, however, 该假期不延长获得豁免的2年期限.

(3)助教没有资格将学费减免转移给受抚养子女, spouse, or a registered domestic partner.


(1) TAs must teach 3.0 units each semester.

(2)获奖者每学期必须注册至少3个单元的课程. 参加GRAD 700的学生没有资格获得助教的学费减免.



To be considered for the TA Tuition Waiver, 你必须在3月1日之前通过加州州立大学申请中心提交一份完整的研究生申请和一份完整的助教申请, 2024.

欲了解更多信息,请联系研究生顾问 Dr. Armando Martinez-Cruz at or (657) 278-4685. 有关行政问题,请联系数学系办公室



Upper division courses in Modern Algebra, Linear Algebra, Mathematical Probability, and Advanced Calculus/Analysis. 建议有教学经验,但不是必需的. 



进入该课程的学生需要获得相当于数学学士学位的学位. 教学选择需要研究生委员会批准的30个研究生学习单元. The following course work must be included:

       (1) MATH 581: Studies in Geometry (3 units)

       (2) MATH 582: Studies in Algebra (3 units )

       (3) MATH 584: Studies in Analysis (3 units )

       (4) MATH 586: Studies in Discrete Mathematics (3 units )

       数学587:数学问题解决研究(3 units )

       (6) MATH 599: Independent Graduate Research (3-6 units )

每个学生将被要求参加导师批准的数学选修课程,以满足30个单元的要求. Possible elective courses include:

MATH 580: Studies in Mathematics History (3 units )

MATH 583: Topics in Statistics (3 units )

在研究生指导老师的同意下,可以选修其他课程. 最后,所有学生必须通过四项综合考试. Comprehensive exams may be taken at most twice.



The Master of Arts in Mathematics, 教学选择计划是为高中或社区大学的现任和未来教师设计的. 完成该项目的学生现在在当地的几所高中和社区大学任教. 其他完成该课程的学生将继续攻读数学教育博士课程.

Those wishing to become high school teachers must earn a Single Subject Credential in Mathematics; the Master of Arts does not, on its own, certify one to teach high school mathematics. Most high school teachers earn the Credential first, 并在担任高中教师期间完成文学硕士学位.



Dr. Martin V. Bonsangue, Professor of Mathematics, Professional Development and Mathematics History

Dr. Todd CadwalladerOlsker,数学副教授, Undergraduate Mathematics Education

Dr. Bridget Druken, Associate Professor of Mathematics, 专业发展与数学教学知识的发展

Dr. Cherie Ichinose, Professor of Mathematics, Online Mathematics Education

Dr. Armando M. Martinez-Cruz, Professor of Mathematics, Mathematical Problem Solving; Learning within Dynamic Geometry Environments

Dr. Alison Marzocchi, Associate Professor of Mathematics, 招收和保留代表性不足的数学学生

Dr. David Pagni, Professor of Mathematics, 专业发展,专业学习社区

Dr. Roberto Soto, Associate Professor of Mathematics, 群体表征理论,K-12专业发展

Dr. Amelia Stone-Johnstone,数学助理教授, 门户数学课程设计、专业发展与制度变迁